
It´s been a while, since I posted something here. But actually I didn´t had that much to share. Job keeps me busy, weather feels more like autumn … really nothing worth to write down.
But last weekend was the blast! ESL One Frankfurt! A weekend I was looking for for weeks….no months! One weekend that has only one big topic: dota 2 !!!!!
Ok, not all may know what dota 2 is…so short explination:
Dota 2 is an online game. 2 groups with 5 players each try to destroy the base of the opposite site on a fixed map. They can choose between more that 100 characters and multiple items. Sounds easy…but it isn´t. Some experts say, it s one of the most complicated games ever. It combines fast reaction, with strategic skills and a lot of teamwork.
Ok…that´s a very short description of what dota2 is. But like I already said, it´s a lil bit complicated to play it because of that. I love to play with people I know this game because of two reasons:
1. It´s short term play. You can play one round….2…3 but then you close the game and that s it. You don´t need to play it on a daily base to get a better character. You can play as many rounds as you like and than leave it.
2. It´s a team game. You need to play as a group. You can´t win this game as solo-player. Everybody needs the rest of the team to win. As someone that feels much better in a group than beeing alone, it´s the perfect game 😉
So that weekend was completly blocked only for this game. Heading to the Commerzbank Arena to join 17.000 other dota fans to watch the 8 best teams in the world battle for the 300.000 US$ prizepool. Ok, this may sound for somebody that is not that much into computergames a lil bit wired, but actually it´s not that much different to people going to the stadion to watch a soccer or a baseball game. The difference is actually that the event is for 2 days 12 hours per day. But you have the same cheering for the teams….you have burgers and beer…you can buy merchandising…pretty much the same.
Personally I´m a fan of “Team Secret”. At the moment the best European Pro-Team (and the best team in the world). I watched quiet some games on twitch whenever I had the chance to, but see those guys play live and you can monitor the game on a 400qm screen…that´s big! Especially when so many people arround you cheering for the each won fight.
The only bad thing about the event was the weather. It was so freaky cold for June that I descided to wear a hoodie the second day (a very good idea).
But such an event is not only about watching 2 teams playing a computer game the whole day. There was some interesting side-program next to the main event. Companies presented their latest innovations in gaming technology (graphic cards, mice, PCs or what else you might need for your entertainment at home). Of course they do that to sell the stuff, but it was interesting to see what a difference it is to see a computergame on a 1.000 EUR graphic card compared to the one I use in my PC (this is a lil bit too expensive for me to buy one of those). In addition a cosplay contest took place as well.
Normally I´m not that much into cosplay. But I have to admit that those costumes were quiet impressive and you can see how many hours those people invest in theirs. Here is a small collection of the costumes I saw throughout the weekend:

Team Secret for the win!
Back to the main event…During day 1 I followed the games (best of 3) with quiet some interest, but matches I waited for were the last two of the day. Cloud 9 vs. Invictus Gaming and Team Secret vs. Fnatic. Too bad cloud 9 didn t make it to the next round. Invictus Gaming was a tick better (Ok, they won the ESL Frankfurt Tournament last year). But IG didn´t had that much time to celebrate their quaterfinal win. They lost the semi-final against Team Secret … (and they got clearly owned^^). But that was on day 2. The best match of all the ones I´ve seen was the last one day 1. Team Secret vs Fnatic. TS picked Techie…what a pick (normally Techie is a hero you don t see in pro-games.)…but Team Secret did it…and well…see for yourself:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_sj8zRpwKM]
That´s why I love this game. May be you wanna join me for some rounds? 😉
More pictures of ESL One:

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