London, can't get enough of this city

After quiet a while I returned to my fav. place in Europe: London. Even if it was just for business, and I really didn’t have the chance for some walking through that city it was a great “homecoming”.
Even the weather was great (ok, at 9000m you will have blue sky anyways) but in UK the weather was way better then what I ve heared.
But it’s more what fascinates me about this city.
It doesn’t feel strange
Often when you come to a place it feels strange to be there…you feel like an alien in New York (@Sting…yeah..your song-title). But for me it doesn’t feel strange to be in London. I know where to get my ticket for public transport…I can roughly estimate what time it will cost me to get from A to B…I know some places to go for getting food n daily stuff…and it feels the same like doing my daily stuff here in Frankfurt.
I don’t know why, but the people in London seem so much more polite and helpfull then here. They apologise much more often and in crowded subways people stand up to offer their place to an old woman or somebody that may need to take a seat. And speaking of London underground…I want my daily newspaper! Why is it possbile to get a free daily newspaper in a city that is x-times larger then Frankfurt?!? Ok, the “Metro” is more a boulevard-newspaper like the BILD over here…but some friedly person hands it to you in the morning when you enter the subway…and in the evening it’s the same procedure. So you have always something to read during your ride.
I really like this multi-cultural thing you encounter when you go there for working and not as tourist. You work on such an international level…great!
When there is something that we need to learn here in Germany then it’s the way of modern payment. In UK (and most other countires) it’s a normal thing to pay with your credcard. I paid my breakfast with my credcard…no problem.
How different it is I encountered after my return and got a Taxi heading home and the driver complained why I pay with credcard (although I asked him BEFORE the ride if he accepts credcards). I’d love to reply to him to shut up…I payed he will get the money for the ride…so what is his f*** problem?!? If he doesn’t want plastic cash then he should write it on the cab and fine.
Ok…us Germans have a problem with plastic cash…hopefully this will change within the next years.
There are tons of more things I’d like to highlight…but in fact it’s 3:42 am…I really should get some sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. But before I submit this article…
Gastro Tip – The Gilbert Scott Bar
If you have the chance to have some freetime and you are looking for a place with some fine Live-Music and very good drinks visit the Gilbert Scott Bar directly within Kings Cross Station. Was there for a very good “Old Fashioned” (thx Jo 🙂 !)

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Think twice…it´s just another day for you and me in paradise…


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