Everybody have somebody or something that travels with you through the years. Some have a picture album with old pictures or a luckystone…
I have my teddy. He doesn’t have a name. Just Teddy.
Some weeks ago at the agency I’m working I received a mail by one of our Creative Directors. He was looking for a teddy bear for a TV commercial. He posted some mood pics. They were looking like those Steiff-Teddies (those with the button in the ear), but not exactly like my buddy. Anyways, I thought “You’re looking for a Teddy? Well, here you go!” So the next morning I grabbed him (normally he sits in the bookshelf in my computer corner at home), put him into my bag and brought him to the CDs office where other Teddy’s already were sitting on the table. So it was basically like a casting.
Next day I just got notified that although he might not be in the best shape, he was chosen to be part of the campaign for betterplace.org.
That’s my buddy…
on the new Print-Ad:
and there´s a TV-Spot coming up as well:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCThdxEV9L0?rel=0]
….so he will get his 15 min of fame now. And he will do it for a good cause, what makes it even better.
Before you ask yourself “Why is this grown up still so keen about a teddy bear?”
Well, the answer is pretty simple: Because he´s the guardian of one of the most pressures things that I have: my inner child that never wants to grow up. The one that Steve Jobs described as “Stay young, stay foolish”. He reminds me all the time when I look at him, that there´s more than money, career and all those issues and problems only adults have to face every day. He reminds me of the fun in life, values that can´t buy with money and to do sometimes silly things that nobody needs to understand except you….and last but not least: to be a lucky and grateful guy.
And he´s doing a pretty good job till today.
So if you are in Germany and see him somewhere: Don’t judge him that he might look a lil bit like he “had better days”. Yes, his feets have seen better days, but his smile is still the same in all those years and he’s MY travel mate on my highway called “life”.
And one day I will hand him over to smiling child (hopefully mine), and I´ll hope that this child will find in him the same guardian that I found in him.
And by the way: check out betterplace.org, if you can spare some money and you want to make sure that the money you donate goes directly to the ppl/projects who need it.