Out of office

Holidays…vacation…out of office…words that sound like sweet melodies. Wouldn’t you agree?
For me those are the best words of my day…the week…the month. Ok, I got out of the office at 11:30th (had a final “happy hour beer” with the two colleagues that were still sitting downstairs but it was a great feeling when I put a nice sign at the door of my office saying “I’m out of office, happy holidays 🙂 !” Before that, I needed to write tons of mails…my handover…put all stuff into the right sever folder…and nd so on and so on. I assume most of us “Office-Workers” do exactly the same that I did…ever time you leave for vacation. It’s a good thing something like a “ritual”. You want to leave your place clean and in good condition, that everybody can see “ok, he/she did his job.
For me it’s like “clean your desk, clean your PC-desktop, clean your brain.” I don’t want to take (in a best case scenario.) Any work related stuff with me into my holidays. Don’t want that, don’t need that…and if somebodies likes it…alright good for you.
This time I needed some extra hours by tomorrow, cause the day went totally mad. But cleaning my inbox is not a big deal. Will do that by tomorrow…With a the time in the world and a cup of coffee from my computer at home. That will be awesome !
But for now I seriously need to get some sleep. Pretty exhausted.
TTYS ppl!

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