You think your brain is to about to explode if you can’t release the ideas you have? OK, go to…
Tag: Life
Moving (on)
Moving to a new apartment is always a cut. Like switching to a new job, you let something behind and…
When Mozart, Ravel and Wagner meet in the livingroom.
You like classic music? I do. I really like to listen to classic music esp. when I´m in the office,…
Goodbye Weekend…hello new week!
And to say so: Szeretném, ha egy kellemes estét! (Hungarian for: have a nice evening!) 🙂
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved…
During the last weeks since I signed off from facebook, I had a lot of time to think about values.…
The Sea & some spanish "magic"
I really like the ocean. Espacially for somebody like me that lives in the city it´s always something special to…
De-Speed the world, please
I was outside on the balcony for a smoke and I looked up to the sky. Summer has gone…it´s getting…
Thinking about downsizing…
It really comes to my mind, that I should think about the way I m living. Mostly on a sunday…