The differences between American and German Idol

German Idol is (or at least was) a very popular casting show. Over the years the quality of the German version dropped massively. That´s why I stopped watching it. Not only by the quality of the performances. But the jury as well got worse from year to year.
Dieter Bohlen was indeed a good one in the beginning. But today it´s just a very poor performance. It´s not because of some men/women that really can sing. It´s the way they were casted and by whom.
I mean seriously, have a look at the jury of the German version:

Picture: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Especially Heino. Heino ?!? He was (or is) someone that makes German Folk music for decades. But what qualifies him to cast people for pop music? “Blau blau blau büht der Enzian” is not quiet what “Generation One Direction” is expecting. Mandy was casted with her former band herself. I´m not quiet sure how she can bring the best out the contestants. DJ Antoanie doesn t sing at all…he´s a DJ and producer. Leaves it to Dieter Bohlen. Well, all his winners got out of the contract with him asap. And to be honest he didn´t match my music style at all with this washing-machine washed pop he produced.
Now, by accident, I saw a clip of American Idol and I really was like “Wow…that s cool!” Especially when I took a look at the jury.
American Idol - Judges
Picture: Fox Entertainment

What a difference! J-Lo next to Keith Urban! That´s the kind of judges I´d expect to push the people. No wonder such performances took place in the US…and not in Germany. Too bad.
I think I need to register for the US-Version to see some really good shows. (By the way…. I would love to have a slow dance with Jennifer Lopez -.-)

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