Thoughts of the night

1 am…some nice chill out tunes and I just installed the WordPress app on my mobile.
Actually after 2 years with a Samsung Note2 the Samsung Galaxy S5 feel really tiny. I really thought the advantages of it makes it more comfortable, but it’s really small to type a lot of stuff. But the good thing is I can pretty simple switch between German and English keyboard. But to type with two thumbs a larger display would be more suitable. Tried to type with my iPad…but seriously the iPad mini that I have is too large. Can’t hold and type very comfortable.
If someone from Apple reads that: can you do a 6.5″ iPad for ppl like me with more tiny hands? Really appreciated!
Ok, I know this sounds like a wired thing to read.
But those are the thoughts that come to my mind, when I try to fall asleep. I would prefer to get some sleep at regular hours, but in fact at the moment it’s not that easy. A lot of thoughts and things are running through my mind. It’s always the same procedure when it comes to holidays. “How do I organise the stuff that I have that my holiday backup doesn’t have that much problems?” Or “What can I finish before going on vacation?” … The typical questions that mostly everybody has when it comes to that date. So why should I differ?
Anyways…holiday vacation is only 2 days away…and the best thing is still to come: the Agency Christmas Party 🙂 I like this party…it’s the last big event in a working year. Everybody dresses up, we will have good food…music …drinks. My tuxedo is already cleaned for the last big event. A thing that makes me a lil bit sad is the fact that some colleagues that I’ve known for now quiet some time won’t be there this year. Like it’s common to move on to improve life and career the best on such parties are to see the ppl I really like to work with. The people I see on a daily base that cover me when it’s getting busy on my side, or that I cover when it’s getting busy on their site. Those ppl are the extra-fuel that I need to rock the house. May be just a few ppl, but very important ppl to me.
I will raise my glass for them in a moment and toast them saying “thx, for such a great time. Miss u buddy!”

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