After more then 2 years, I m leaving my current client to seek for a new “final frontier”. A strange feeling. Good times and challenging times now lie behind me. Good talks and the one or the other fierce discussion are now going into history.
Today I had my last presentation in front of my client. A strange feeling indeed. But after all… Freddie knows it best… “WE are the champions”. I think, we moved some things. I don t know what the future brings to my (now former) client, but I whish them all the best. I will for sure monitor what´s going on there.
It s a good feeling to go like this. It´s the way that I always leave…. with a smile and a hug and/or a “High5” …may be I m lucky….may be I´m blessed…but I get (except of one client) mostly clients I like to work with. Personally I never intend to be the “big salesman” I prefer to be the one that sells, what nessecary or usefull. But this my way…and a “good bye” like tonight shows me: It s a good way.
So I went away tonight….with a smile and a hug.